What is hidden within you, waiting to be sensed and beheld?
Your loving witness can learn to stay long enough
to know the unknown, the essence of you.
What if you had full permission and capacity
to finally awaken from the dream of old habits?
All is welcome in meditation as we soften
and listen for what is really real.
This guided inquiry of self-witnessing
awakens the authority of true nature.
Aligned in authenticity, you discover
your precious self, your deeper, infinite self.
Receive your life in wholeness,
the creator and the creation!
the loving witness
Grow your ability to include and embrace even what you have resisted most
creativity coaching
Open into mystery, vitality, and inspiration with art meditations, touch drawing, and sound-dance painting
let art awaken you
View Jennifer’s Creations
“Jennifer is able to “be with” in an amazing way. I have been a counselor for decades. I have done work all along because it is really necessary if you want to be really present to clients. Lately I have come upon deep work in myself that I previously could not acknowledge. It is hard to get at as I have been one to do for others, and just make do myself.
Jennifer has the ability to follow me in my journey of ferreting out the issue and feelings that need attention. She is real. These are rare qualities in a counselor. We are all human and all have our issues. She does this deep work too so is able to be present for others in a deep connected natural way. ”
“It is an extraordinary experience to work with Jennifer Johnson as she facilitates others to be present in their own body, mind, soul and spirit. She is fully present with her own creativity and in being with others to inspire individual presence and creativity. Her presence and compassion during my sessions with her have encouraged my willingness to dive deeper into my own challenges to be conscious and attentive to my body, thoughts, and reactive emotional habits.
Jennifer consistently shares her compassion, kindness, sensitivity, perceptiveness and authenticity in relating to internal and external realities. She has ready access to a deep reservoir of patience with her clients. With her patient support I have discovered a previously dormant creative energy to express myself through paintings. Her commitment to clients is palpable as she supports their process of being present in the emergence of their own creative inspirations and aspirations.
She is an amazing helper and catalyst along the path of realizing my own purpose in life as a human being. Working with Jennifer as a life coach and facilitator of being present has enriched my life in being able and resolved to be present with What Is.”